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Fun reviews, old and new

Aug 18, 20235 min read
Gran Turismo Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
A completely different video game adaptation! Gran Turismo takes the sub-genre flipping it on its head, telling an engaging sports drama!

Jul 30, 20234 min read
Oppenheimer Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
This biopic about the father of the atom bomb is not a simple retelling of Oppenheimer's life but a complex political thriller!

Jan 26, 20235 min read
Till Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
The tale of a mother’s love, shattered due to a violent act, starting what is to become a path into activism for the civil rights movement!

Dec 30, 20224 min read
Emancipation Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
A bleak, uninspired biopic that is loosely based on the real-life story of the escaped slave Gordon, also known as “Whipped Peter”.

Dec 13, 20224 min read
She Said Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
Based on the investigative report of the NY Times, this biopic tells the story behind the expose of Weinstein's history of sexual abuse.
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